• Parents and Guardians

    Mindful Parenting

    Ross Greene

    Lives in Balance is based on Ross Greene’s method as outlined in The Explosive Child and Little Human Beings. The approach to parenting acknowledges that some children don’t respond well to the age old tradition of teaching behavior through consequences and rewards. These children become the children who are hard to manage. Ross Greene promotes a collaborative approach to addressing the specific problems the child is having. His assumption is that the behaviour is due to a lack of skill rather than a lack of will. His approach is provided for free on the website and includes an assessment of lacking skills and how to implement a plan that uses collaborative problem solving with the child.

    Triple P Parenting Program

    This program is a well-rounded individualized parenting program that helps you determine which strategies fit for your family. The parenting strategies are based on creating the best possible environment for learning positive behaviour. Boundaries and discipline are used to create a predictable and safe guide for how to act. The program also focuses on parent self-care and a realistic approach to raising kids. The program is offered in an online forum that works through 8 modules. The cost is 79.95 which gives you access to the program for 1-year.

    Making Sense of Anxiety

    Gordon Neufeld’s approach to addressing anxiety and behavioural difficulties with children is an attachment based approach that focuses on the relationship between child and parent and encourages the development of skills to deal with fear and separation. You can pay to take a course online or you can sign the DVD series out from some local parenting resources.